Happy Father's Day 06/18/2020

Is it really a Happy Father’s Day? If you’re in the New 60 age group, the kids are out of the house, although they might be back IN the house until this virus subsides sometime around summer of 2021 at which point you’ll be back to work…never mind. The thing is that with social distancing and family distancing and nobody wanting to get on a plane, family holidays are a little different than what they used to be. So John and I imagined what Father’s Day might look like in 2020. And we imagined we’d do it over Zoom, of course. And if you are like me, you have idiotically said cheers over zoom when you’ve “met for drinks or dinner” with friends. Sure you can click glasses with your spouse or partner who is sitting right next to you. But if a virtual clink with your friends or family isn’t enough, you might actually clink the computer or tablet screen itself and if you clink too hard then… So that was our first comic.

Next up was based on an observation. Now that gyms are closed and pools are closed, one of the few exercise options left is walking outside. Now if you are like us and wear your mask, then you notice other people who don’t wear their masks. The other day I was walking and saw somebody without a mask and then he sneezed! Now he turned his head towards the woods and away from the people, but still, it was like he was pointing a semi-automatic weapon at everyone. We went back and forth for a half hour about mask on or mask off for the comic but John is the artist here, so… And the point is, they still ducked for cover.

Hope you enjoyed the comics this week and if you don’t have enough to keep you occupied we put “The New 60 Coloring Book” up on the website. John posted the comics in black and white, so you can practice coloring them in and being your own cartoonist. Just don’t be too good or you’ll put us out of business.

Have a Happy Father’s Day and we’ll see you next week.

Andy and John