Bucket Lists 11/4/22

If you are a loyal reader of this comic and blog, you’re probably old enough to have a bucket list. These are the things you want to do and places you want to go before it’s all over. The name, of course, comes from the thought “...before I kick the bucket.” And just like snowflakes and fingerprints, no two bucket lists are alike. Now I must admit that a close family relative of mine has Bhutan on his bucket list and that was the genesis of this idea. As always in this blog, names are omitted to protect the innocent. He is, was and will always be an adventure traveler. My wife and I spent a memorable Labor Day Weekend with him several decades ago. We were becalmed (another word for trapped) on a sailboat on the Chesapeake Bay for 3 days in temperatures approaching the 90’s. We were roasting and if you went below deck it was murderously hot. Finally our adventurer jumped in the Chesapeake to cool off, and was instantly attacked by a school of jelly fish. When we returned home, I wrote an article called “Inward Bound.” If the sailboat was like the program “Outward Bound,” then I wanted to do a program based on the opposite. Instead of being becalmed on a sailboat for 3 days in 90 degree weather, you’d be stuck inside the Ritz-Carlton with air-conditioning, cable tv, and room service complete with french toast for breakfast and steak frites and a nice cabernet for dinner. If I can ever find the article, I’ll repost it as a blog.

When I pitched the idea to John, he immediately got a smile on his face. We googled Bhutan and came up with two important facts: their favorite sport is archery and the entire country is vegetarian. And they also rank high on the World Happiness Index. Put it this way, if you can be happy watching archery and eating vegetables, you are not likely to have the same bucket list as me.

And speaking of bucket lists, do you guys remember the show “Green Acres”? A husband (Eddie Albert) and his wife (Eva Gabor, sister of Zsa Zsa) were thinking of moving to the country. It was at the top of his bucket list, not even at the bottom of hers. The theme song was a classic. Here’s how it opened:

“Green Acres is the place for me/Farm living’ is the life for me/Land spreadin’ out so far and wide/Keep Manhattan just give me the countryside.” To which his wife replied:

“New York is where I’d rather stay/I get allergic smelling hay/I just adore a penthouse view/Dah-ling I love you but give me Park Avenue.”

I consider it one of the funniest (and telling) theme songs ever written. Except for the closing, which was the height of sexism and could never get on the air today. Here is how the argument gets decided:

“You are my wife/Goodbye city live/ Green Acres we are there” (And she spent the rest of her life living on a farm in Hooterville with her husband and a pig named Arnold).

At any rate, Al comes back with a bucket list of his own and next week, in the third and final installment, we reach a decision, and no, it’s not sexist like Green Acres. We promise.

Have a great weekend and we’ll see you next week with the conclusion of the bucket list series and another new direction.

Andy and John