Out of Control 8/13/21

When John and I first started thinking about writing a comic, we went out to lunch. He ordered some Amazonian chicken and rice dish and when it came, I couldn’t help noticing he was pushing the peas aside so he wouldn’t have to eat them. I laughed because I too am a picky eater, especially when it comes to vegetables. I like to think of myself as a pick and choose eater. I choose not to eat most vegetables.

So we got to wondering, what would it be like if you were invited over to a friend’s house for dinner and you didn’t like what they were cooking. It’s hard to say how much you love something, how absolutely delicious it is, when you’ve left 3/4’s of it on your plate. One of my favorite tricks is that when I get up to clear my plate, I pick up the person’s plate next to me, and carefully place it on top of my plate. This way, someone may miss the fact that I left all the “cauliflower rice” on my plate. It’s not freakin’ rice. It’s cauliflower, and I hate cauliflower, okay????

Now onto the comic featuring the traditional Indian dress, known as a Sari. In this case John and his wife Linda were invited to an Indian wedding and Linda thought it would be fun to wear a Sari. Until she tried to put the Sari on. Apparently it’s pretty difficult. Not to worry, there’s a YouTube video on how to do just about anything. Apparently it was very difficult as well. Sorry about the Sari. But it made for a good comic. What would be equally funny would be to see John in a Kurta, the male Indian attire that resembles a long shirt (just looked that up on Google). But apparently he demurred on that idea as well. A suit and tie is challenging enough for me, especially after two years in COVID-19 lockdown and sweatpants. I mean, even blue jeans and a long-sleeved tee feel like dressing up. Everything’s relative, right?

That’s it for this week and we will see you again next week with two new comics.

Note: Saturday night the NY Giants play the NY Jets in a pre-season football game. John is a Jet fan, me a die-hard Giants supporter. If the Giants win Saturday I will be sure to roast John and his Jets in next week’s blog. If somehow, someway the Jets win, I won’t mention the game at all.

Have a great weekend

Andy and John