Picture This 10/01/21

John and I both attended recent weddings at which there were photo booths. Which led us to do a comic about, well, photo booths. Actually it led John to the topic and I just went along because I had nothing better to offer. At the wedding I attended, I submitted to a picture with my wife and the parents of the bride. I put on my best smile and tried like hell to keep my eyes open when the camera flashed. It worked! A nephew of mine had a different use of the photo booth. He used it as a kissing booth with one of the cute young women at said wedding. My wife has many rules for taking pictures and she has imparted them to me. Shoot from above (one has no control over that in a photo booth). Keep your chin up (this is called DCA - Double-Chin Avoidance). The booth situations are so freaking awkward that it makes people (okay, it makes ME) uncomfortable. Thus the dialogue between Marv and Rachel as he tries and fails at everything she suggests. But at least he has a cute butt.

The other comic, ostensibly about a sausage upgrade at our favorite franchise, Pizza-on-a-Stick is really about second acts in general. Just for the sake of clarity, a second act refers to the career you pursue after your first career is over and done. The thing about second careers is that they are usually a chance for the pursuer to be in charge. Your own business, be it a bed and breakfast, a cookie-making factory, a comic strip (now where did that idea come from?) and a pizza franchise. Since it’s yours, you care about it way more than if you were merely an employee. On a little side note, a friend of ours, a super-talented art director and big fan, Tanya Mishu, sent us a YouTube video of a new franchise idea, Pizza in a Cone. Seriously. Imagine an ice cream cone filled with piping hot tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese and fillings. Now imagine biting into it. It seems to us like you’d burn the hell out of the roof of your mouth, but what do we know? Suffice it to say, Pizza-on-a-Stick is a way, way better idea. And Al, the former ad man/employee and now a boss, wants to make his new venture better. So he went farm to table with his pizza toppings. What could possibly go wrong?

When you’re an employee, you gleefully help yourself to the free bagels, coffee, cream cheese, birthday cake, beer (during pub hour) and assorted snacks. When you’re the owner, suddenly the free giveaways are costing you a bunch. So who wants a second career again?

That’s all for this week folks. But we’ve got two more coming up so hang on to your hats, have a wonderful weekend and we’ll see you next week.

Andy and John