Musings on Plexiglass and Getting Older

I’ve got a friend who made adjustments to his office before anyone was discussing the pandemic. He got standing desks for everyone and in an attempt to encourage togetherness, he lowered the partitions between cubicles. Uh oh, or as Astro from the Jetsons would say, “Ruh roh.” So now he has to do it all over again. John and I wondered what Al would have to do to his Pizza on a Stick franchise, to encourage employee safety. Unfortunately, Al being Al, he forgot to order the plexiglass with a pre-cut slot. Sometimes plexiglass protectors are a giant pain, even if there’s a hole in the plexi. For instance, did you ever try to use your phone to pay in a parking lot? There’s usually a space at the bottom of the glass shield, with a curved coin tray at the bottom. If you happen to have one of those bigger sized iPhones, it’s not an easy fit. Anyway, Al went the parking garage one better and left the space out altogether. By the way, it’s a good thing John is also the artist, since he’s got to figure out how to draw glass so you guys will know it’s glass.

The second comic today happened on Andy’s mid-May birthday. It happened to the one of us that is 5 years older than the other one. We’ll never tell which is which. Okay, we will. Sure John has a white beard and everything but I (Andy) am the older one. While discussing our relative ages it occured to us that John is still in his EARLY 60’s while Andy has graduated to his LATE 60’s. Labels, just labels. I mean, you’re only as old as you feel and I feel like…never mind. John and I both worked for an advertising icon named Linda Kaplan Thaler and when she hit a certain age in her 60’s she said “I’m in my incredibly late 40’s.” I think we will go with that definition instead.

So the young, spry John and the creaky, old Andy wish you a beautiful, corona-free, weekend. And we will be back at you next week with a couple new ones, ripped from the pages of whatever it is we experience.

Andy and John