The New 60 Comic

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Ahh yes, it's Valentine's Day 2/14/2020

If you’re a cynic, you could call Valentine’s Day a cheap, Hallmark Holiday, invented only to sell cards and chocolate. But face it, nobody likes it when you forget their birthday, and a lot of people don’t appreciate it when you forget Valentine’s Day. We’d say, mostly women don’t like it, but we are living in politically correct times, so we said people don’t like it. Even though, with all the pink ribbons and heart-shaped boxes it’s clearly aimed at…

We digress. The past two years we did comics about our hapless guys forgetting and either trying to make a last-minute, desperate, Hail-Mary pass, OR - as we did last year - have the guys suffer the consequences. So this year, we wanted to try something different by introducing a new character, Sam’s new wife Shellie. Last week Craig, our confirmed bachelor, noticed that Sam and Shellie were rarely included when the couples went to dinner or on vacations. And Al and Marv revealed their wives didn’t much care for Shellie. Not because she’s a quarter of a century younger than them mind you, just ‘cause.

So Al and Marv felt a bit guilty about this, as they pondered an invitation to Sam and Shellie’s for a Valentine’s Day Dinner party (see how we cleverly wove Valentine’s Day in there?). After a little convincing they all agree to go to the party.

Our second comic in this continuing saga takes place at the aforementioned party. When Shellie refuses a drink, the wives know something’s up. Al and Marv have no idea what’s going on. So this year, rather than being clueless about Valentine’s Day, they are clueless about Shellie.

At this point you may be wondering if men are so clueless, how can men think this stuff up? And we would say to you, uhh, we have no clue. So have a great weekend and oh yeah…

Happy Valentine’s Day

Andy and John